third goal achieved / dead letters jam

hello ghostboxers,

firstly, thanks for your ongoing support. we actually hit this third goal a while ago, but i plain forgot to post it here. anyway $500 means i can hire my friend Nynphaiel to do some of their amazing art for me. we've worked together a fair bit over the last couple of years and i trust them implicitly to make a good job of it. you'll see.

secondly, there's a jam running for your hacks and supplements for ghostbox. i made a guided template, The Wishful, which is an alternative sender set (kids sending letters to Santa), but you can do whatever you like with it. Maria Mison did - she made a whole big ghosty cathartic magic hack of ghostbox and it's messy and beautiful. check out gHosts in Your Palace if you can.

lastly, the crowdfunding is still going. all the revenue raised so far is going to collaborators, but there are fees to be taken out, so i am out of pocket on it so far. if we get to $625 - and we're not far off at $578 - then i'll break even on the game dev, and that's rad.

that's all. until next time - may all your post arrive.

marx //

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